Valentine’s Day is coming up soon, and lovers around the world are preparing to celebrate. Most Western countries honour the day of love, and in many places traditional celebrations at different times of the year exist alongside Valentine’s Day.
The festivities make one thing very clear: everybody loves a lover! We’re all fascinated by the idea of enduring romantic love, however it comes about. Just look at how popular the Immortal Romance slots game is, how beloved movies like Twilight are, and how the tale of Romeo and Juliet has stood the test of time. Wherever you are in the world, you’ll find people in the mood for love.
1. Double the Date in Brazil
With Carnaval taking place over February and March, Brazilians save their romantic celebrations for Dia de Namorados, or Lover’s Day, on the 12th of June. Flowers and chocolates are given away, and there are also major music festivities around the country. The following day honours St Anthony, the Patron Saint of Marriage.
2. Love Abounds All Week In Argentina
Rather than a day, Argentina celebrates a full Sweetness Week from 13 to 20 June each year. Lovers, friends and family are all celebrated with dinner and little gifts, and the festivities end in Friendship Day.
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