New Zealand casinos are reporting an impressive increase in gamblers’ spending in the latest casino news. The country’s tourism numbers are reaching records highs, which has in turn boosted the local economy and drawn visitors from countries around the world to spend money at Kiwi land-based casino establishments.
New Zealand has legalised most forms of gambling, and has a reputation for using gambling activities as a valuable source of income for the state and also for various charities and social service provisions. The Department of Local Affairs recently posted a 2.6% increase in gambling spend – a figure that has been adjusted for both population changes and inflation.
The country’s latest tourism increase has significantly boosted its casino spend rates as well, with a whopping 11.1% boost having been reported. Casino gambling machine upgrades and better income rates have also contributed to the increase, with Kiwis that earn more spending proportionately more at their favourite pokies machines and betting terminals.
NZ Problem Gambling Foundation Voices Concerns
The local gambling industry is understandably pleased about the growth, but the Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand has a very different view on the matter. Spokeswoman Andree Froude noted that while the level of spending at pokie machines has been stable for a while, the amount of money being spent is still concerningly high.
Over 40% of the money lost by casino gamblers can be attributed to players with gambling problems, Froude pointed out. It thus goes without saying that growing gambling rates may also lead to growing rates of players with problem gambling habits.
Kiwi Players Spend Approx. $616 Per Year Gambling
Online and checkout sales of lotto tickets has also considerably boosted the amount of money being spend on local lotteries and TAB betting in New Zealand. The totals for the year to June for both sports betting and TAB racing showed a 5.3% boost, attributed to the numerous new options offered to players. New Zealand lottery also noticed big growth of 4% thanks to its twice-weekly draws in the Big Wednesday promotion.
The Department of Local Affairs has also released some statistics that further reveal the latest spend trends in the world of New Zealand gambling. Kiwi players are spending about NZ$616 on average on gambling activities per year. For betting, the annual spend rate sits at around $95 per bettor, and Lotto sales draw in around $122 per player per year as an average figure.